
Double Your Way To A Million (3 Key Takeaways)

7 years ago, I was broke. I was so broke that my friends and family would often pay my bill whenever we’d go out to eat because I couldn’t afford it. It was truly embarrassing. But today, things are very different. I am a millionaire. And one of the things that helped me tremendously was…
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How I Achieved Financial Freedom Before 30

This post will explain how I became financially free before 30. To be honest, it was actually quite simple… And anybody can do it if they put their mind to it. Here is the exact 3-step plan I followed: 1.) When I left University, my goal was to make AS MUCH money as possible. Now…
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Why My Mum Hates Me

Growing up, me and my mum had a great relationship. My dad was the breadwinner of the house and my mum stayed at home to look after us. During my school days, my mum was always there for me; she would pick me up from school, cook my meals and offer support and guidance where…
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The ‘Seven Levels Deep’ Exercise

Before you even think about what business to start, you have to identify your ‘WHY’… i.e. Why do you really want to start a business? The issue with most people is their ‘why’ is not strong enough. When you ask them the question above, they typically respond with “to make more money”, “to be free”…
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Condition Your Mindset For Success

The key distinction between the rich and the poor (successful and unsuccessful people) is mindset. In order for you to achieve success, you have to change your mindset – you have to start thinking, acting and feeling like a successful person, even before you’ve achieved your goals. You can attract success to you, effortlessly, by…
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