Double Your Way To A Million (3 Key Takeaways)

7 years ago, I was broke.

I was so broke that my friends and family would often pay my bill whenever we’d go out to eat because I couldn’t afford it.

It was truly embarrassing.

But today, things are very different.

I am a millionaire.

And one of the things that helped me tremendously was a series of manuals I came across online a few years ago.

They’re called: Double Your Way To A Million.

They were written by another millionaire from the UK called Barry Tyler.

In this post, I’m going to summarise the 3 key lessons I learnt from those books…

But if you’re interested in reading the whole series yourself (which I strongly recommend you do)…

Then send me an email and I’ll see if I can hook you up.

The original course (which was 10 modules long and sold for £500) is no longer in print…

But I’m sure Barry has a pdf version stored somewhere.

I’ll speak to him and see if he can give you a digital copy for a much lower fee.

** Update (06/24) – For a limited time, Barry has created a unique PayPal link, exclusive to my blog readers, to get the pdf version of the first module for £5. Click here to download it now while it’s still available. **

If you have no interest in reading the manuals yourself and just came for the 3 key takeaways, here they are below:

1.) Making Money Is Really A “Doubles” Game

Did you know that if you had 100 pounds today and doubled it to 200 pounds…

Then doubled it again to 400 pounds and kept doubling it…

It will only take 14 doubles to make a million?

Most people don’t think about it this way…

But this is how every millionaire amasses their fortune.

They don’t wake up one day with a million pounds in the bank (unless it was inherited)…

They make 100 quid first.

Then 200. Then 400. And it keeps doubling from there.

The problem is, most people are trying to go for the million straight away without having made their first 1k or 10k.

Just like a video game, there are levels to this.

You cannot move to level 3 if you haven’t yet completed level 2…

And as Barry teaches in his course, it takes a different kind of skillset, education and mindset to make 100k vs making your first 10k.

2.) There Are Literally Hundreds Of Ways To Make An Income (you just haven’t thought of them yet)

In his course, Barry goes through many examples of his students making money from the strangest ideas.

Some of them include:

– An electrical engineer running a part-time business in his garage, repairing guitar amplifiers. He started it a year ago and almost embarrassingly, the income is already over 30k a year for a couple of hours of work each day.

– A guy who used the 1,600 pounds he made (from completing stage 5 of the course) to buy a mobile disco rig. He is booked out at 450 pounds a night to perform as a DJ. Note, this guy was never a DJ. He had never done DJ-ing before but he always had an interest in it.

– Another reader called Dave who had no real qualifications (only 2 GCSEs his name), no skills, no hobbies and no interests. The only thing he took some kind of liking to was DIY tools… So he set-up a business on eBay selling personalised tools. One of them is a hammer with a message on it saying “Dad’s Hammer. Don’t touch!” lol. Dave makes 29k profit a year from this unique venture and works only 1 hour a week because he’s hired somebody to run the entire operation for him.

– Joan went to a craft workshop on needle-felting in the US and really enjoyed it. If you don’t know what needle-felting is, it’s where you create 3D sculptures from unspun wool. How unusual! When she came back to the UK, she realised there were no kits available here and no supplies… so she created some kits herself. They sell extremely well via mail order. She also runs Saturday classes. 10 people attend and pay 45 pound each. That’s an extra 450 pounds per week.

Now I know you may not be highly impressed with those figures…

And argue they’re not going to become millionaires from those sorts of ventures…

But once they automate and scale their operations (which they can all do) they’ll be well on their way…

And as long as they follow the third key lesson below, they will get there faster than most people.

3.) Making Money Will NOT Make You A Millionaire

This sounds counter-intuitive to everything I’ve said so far but what you must realise is…

Making tonnes of money doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll become a millionaire.

I know somebody who makes 10 Million a year from their business, but once they deduct all of their expenses (advertising, staff costs, etc.) they’re left with nothing.


Isn’t that amazing?

This means making money is not enough.

What’s more important is how much profit is leftover and how well you reinvest that money.

That will determine if, and how quickly, you become a millionaire.

To be honest, my business model (which is education) is not the main reason why I’m a millionaire.

It’s certainly helped, but what has accelerated the process is investing in other assets…

Which have appreciated in value, on their own, over time!

The rich like to call this getting your money to work hard and “sweat” for you.

My other investment vehicles include property and crypto…

I am also looking into Gold and Silver right now (which Barry teaches you how to do in stage 6 and also where to get them from if you’re from the UK) because they appear to be a safe investment.

Those are my 3 key takeaways from Barry Tyler’s Double Your Way To A Million program.

I hope it’s broadened your horizons a little.

If you’re interested in learning more, then send me an email and I’ll try to hook you up with a digital copy of the full course.

As I said earlier, the physical version (which originally sold for £500) is no longer available…

But I’ll speak to Barry and see if he can give you a pdf version for a much lower fee.

** Update (06/24) – For a limited time, Barry has created a unique PayPal link, exclusive to my blog readers, to get the pdf version of the first module for £5. Click here to download it now while it’s still available. **

To your success,

Jeevan Singh

PS. The most important thing is, Barry is an actual millionaire himself (I have seen the multi-million pound home he owns and the Rolls Royce and Range Rover he has parked outside)…

Whereas the self-proclaimed “experts” you see spouting their nonsense on social media are far from it lol…

So if there is one person you’d like to learn from about becoming a millionaire, it’s HIM.