Why My Mum Hates Me

Growing up, me and my mum had a great relationship.

My dad was the breadwinner of the house and my mum stayed at home to look after us.

During my school days, my mum was always there for me; she would pick me up from school, cook my meals and offer support and guidance where necessary.

So it was kinda inevitable that me and my mum would develop a strong and healthy relationship…

But things soon turned sour when I went to university.

Here’s why…

You see, my mum had a different upbringing to me.

Her parents were originally from India and were quite strict.

They always pushed a conservative lifestyle; be sensible, “play by the rules” and just follow the norm.

So when I told her, after I had left university, that I wanted to pursue my passion and start a business, it didn’t go down too well.

We debated. We argued.

She wanted me to get a regular 9-5 job. She wanted me to have security.

But I wanted more. I wanted freedom. I wanted to live life completely on my terms. I wanted to change the world and be an inspiration to others.

At first, I admit, our relationship was rocky, simply because we both didn’t see eye to eye on what career path I should follow.

But that’s fine. The majority of people will not understand your vision, especially if you want to do your own thing and pursue your passion.

But the key is to stick to your beliefs, keep focused and do everything you can to turn your dream into reality.

Don’t let the naysayers get the better of you – including your friends and family.

It’s only when you start seeing success, others will begin to come around to your way of thinking.

And that is the case with my mum too. Now that she can see that I’m having great success in my business and personal life, she is a little more supportive lol.

But had I given in to her negativity in the early stages, my life would be very different right now.

I would be just like one of the millions of people who catch the train in the morning – just doing what “society” thinks they should do and not being bold enough to do their own thing.

My mum may have been content with that situation but would I have been?

I don’t think so…

Anyway, if you feel you could offer more to this world and want to live a more fulfilling lifestyle, check out this opportunity I recently posted online.

I am currently looking for partners to help expand my proven, 6 figure business into other areas of the UK.

You don’t need any experience and the rewards can be truly life-changing.

Head over to this page for more details.