About Jeevan

Jeevan is an entrepreneur from West London, UK.

Growing up, he excelled in his school studies. This enabled him to study at a top university: Kings College London

Shortly after leaving university, he decided to leverage his skills and create a number of educational books on passing exams without studying around-the-clock. Being a cash-strapped student at the time, he had to rely on free traffic methods such as SEO to generate sales of his home study course.

Once his information-publishing business started to gain momentum, he used social media marketing (his preferred traffic source being Facebook & Instagram) to scale-it-up further.

In 2018 – 2019, his company became the market-leader in the educational space. His flagship home study course was being used by students and schools around the world and it was also a bestseller on Amazon & ClickBank – two of the largest marketplaces in the world for physical and digital products.

As a matter of fact, throughout 2018, he was the bestselling author in the entire country. At its peak, he was generating 1500+ book sales a day, outselling books published by celebrities who feature regularly on TV and have large social media followings. One of which is the the world renowned psychologist, Jordan Peterson. 

Royal Mail, who are the largest postal service in the UK, even refused to ship Jeevan’s books at one point because his stock filled up their entire van and they only had one vehicle to collect all the companies’ mail in the area.

He has also won the prestigious Two Comma Club award from the website builder ClickFunnels multiple times for generating $4 million from his book sales funnel. Note, only the top 1% of digital marketers in the world have achieved this award and Jeevan is the fastest to win it for an author and vendor with a low-ticket product.

What’s more, the unique 3-step marketing strategy he used predominantly on Facebook was so effective that it inspired a whole new generation of digital marketers, in early 2019, to model his approach and scale-up their own info-publishing & consultancy businesses to the 6-7 figure level.

Although Jeevan has created a multiple 7 figure publishing business of his own, he also advises business owners in other industries and helps them sell their information products in large volumes using social media. Some of these business owners include famous TV celebrities and ex-premier league football stars.

To date, he has helped his clients drive millions of extra clicks to their websites and generate millions of pounds in additional sales (see his client feedback below). As a result, he has become one of the leading social media marketers in the UK.

If you want advice on building your own info-publishing business or would like to potentially hire Jeevan part-time as a marketing consultant, please feel free to reach out to him using the contact form below.

Program #1

 GCSE Maths In Four Weeks

With GCSE Maths being the most difficult qualification to pass in the UK, Jeevan has created a proven formula to pass it in record time, without studying around the clock. All you have to do is follow his step-by-step program and results are guaranteed to improve. This program can be used by IGCSE students too.

Click Here To Buy The Program

Program #2

Red Star Tuition License

After creating a 6 figure tutoring business in his local area, the founder of Red Star Tuition, Jeevan Singh, is now looking for people to help him expand the operation into other areas within the UK. This program will allow you to use his branding, credibility, infrastructure and all his materials, so you can have high paying clients, walking through your door, from day one.

Click Here To Partner Up With Jeevan

Client Feedback

Jeevan has one of the sharpest marketing minds in the UK. His Facebook marketing skills have helped me sell-out my information products and live training workshops in the past. This has resulted in millions of dollars in additional revenue for me.

Saj Purk.

Author of 9 bestselling ClickBank info-products

Thanks to Jeevan’s shrewd Facebook marketing skills, he turned my new educational book into a national bestseller within a couple of months. I now sell hundreds of copies each and every day..

S. Goldsmith

UK Bestselling Author & Direct Marketing Expert

With your 3-step strategy Jeevan, I sold out my Children’s book over Christmas. I sold all 1600 copies in 45 days! I was meaning to send you my results but I was so busy shipping all the books! Thank you so much!

Jason Eastwood

Author of the bestselling US children’s book: A Magical Story Of The Gimli Trolls

Jeevan spotted an issue with my sales funnel and advised me to make a change. Once I made the change, my book sales went up by approximately 20% virtually overnight. This has resulted in an extra $3K in sales for me per day..

Jeff M.

Author of the bestselling ClickBank health info-product: No More Heartburn

Good morning J. So much going on these days. To be short, my book sales are over the top. My efforts have brought in close to 20k in sales over the last 3 months. I had to hire a few college girls from my son’s school to help with fulfilment. Currently all caught up and I will maintain the system I have in place. The college girls are loving the extra money and I’m pretty much hands free with intake and delivery. I’m looking to market the same way for my two other books I wrote earlier. I’m editing and such to make those conform to the same standards.

James Whitaker

Author of the bestselling Real Estate book: Addition On Your Home

Thanks so much for checking in Jeevan! Your advice has started me on a process that is underway. I have a predominant idea and I’ve sold 1000 books in 3 months organically as I work on my irresistible offer and tech stuff. You are my inspiration!

Susy L.

Author of the bestselling Parenting book: Raising Kids Who Care

Did $30K in first 3 months of launch

Contact Jeevan

Fill in the form below to send him a message.
